Sunday, March 22, 2009

EV Spring Series 2009 #2 | dEVas Race Report

Watch the video

Well, it looked like the only dEVas racing today was me and Eva on Spring Series #2. Eva being in the C group and me, in the Novice category; meaning; we were both on our own in the pack. I was really missing the dEVa girls today; big time. We get there super early, then we did a couple of laps around the course (2) in reverse to warm-up I realized that the bike computer was stuck and wasn’t giving data. I tried to move the sensors around with no luck. I took a few photos and filmed the starts and kept on going around the course in reverse to keep warming-up and to because my start was not until 12 anyway.

It was a super beautiful sunny day but with huge headwinds and I kept on going around the course. Now after 4 laps around I get to the finishing line side and Jeff asked me run an errand, so I ride on the other side to talk to Adam, (1 more lap), then Adam asked me to bring him a radio (Jeff has then on the other side) So I go around daring the wind alone again get the radio for Adam. (1 more lap) By the time I get to Jeff it’s 11:45pm, my start is soon. So I ride like crazy to the other side to give the radio to Adam then ride to the other side, just in time for my start. (1 more lap – Lisa, I used one match right there, before the race) Do you think 6 laps before a 4 laps race is smart? How stupid was that?

Then I get to the start of the Novice group, then I catch-up my breath, give the camera to Danika, and we are set and go. I started in the front pack behind these guys, I think I was in 4/5 position drafting away. I felt great and strong. I managed to stay for the first lap, then on the second lap when we get to the hill climb, I shifted gear and it didn’t kick in, I kept on pedaling knowing that at any moment the derailleur will release, then it jammed… To avoid the chain popping, I stopped pedaling for a sec and reverse the stroke to unjam it as I was going uphill. I lost all my advantage by that point and was in the back of the pack, actually 100 feet from it. So, I started chasing to regain my place in the front and to close the gap… (Lisa, I used match #2, right then) Then I started having breathing issues, like my lungs were closing out on me and I could only take short breaths, the gap was getting bigger and bigger, still facing the wind…. Then some C group riders were passing me by on the left, so I hoped on their wheels to catch-up my breath, they carried me to the finishing line on lap # 2 and then I dropped out of the race feeling dizzy and like I would faint and I couldn’t breath. A combination of the wind bringing pollen, the hay allergy and the physical effort I believe triggered all this, without mentioning the end of a bronchitis… that on top of all the cyclist mistakes in one race. Actually, not ALL the cyclist mistakes; I was well hydrated, well nourished and well rested... Thank god! lol Live and Learn, next week, I will be stronger and wiser... You betcha!

What I have learned?
1. Next time if I ever race alone again. I will do a couple laps max to study the course/winds and get on the trainer beside my car. I will not over do it…
2. Always take an allergy tablet when racing in the countryside in the spring. Does anyone know what is not a banned substance? Not like I’m planning to go pro or anything, but I believe in drug free cycling. Suggestions anyone?
3. Always race with my asthma puffers.
4. Lube the chain before a race depending on weather conditions.
5. Always make sure your bike computer is working before a race…
6. And yes, I can say “no” next time if someone asked me to run an errand before my post time.
7. Don’t do 6 laps warm-up on a 4 laps race… lol

Watch the video of the race

Monday, March 16, 2009

My First Bike Race

I mean I’ve done triathlons and dualthlons before and I can tell you right now that I had no idea what I was doing, and that if I placed well in those events, it was only because I was a strong runner back then. hahaha

After riding group rides practicing drills with EV and the dEVas great training sessions we became a strong formation. Then we took the fabulous Learn to Race Clinic with Instructors Lisa Howard and Claire Cameron along with other members of Escape Velocity's and Cycling BC. Then we were set to...

Race Day | Escape Velocity Spring Series | #1
River Road – Langley, BC

We get there early and take the time to get a warm up ride together. A bit cloudy but no rain yet, then we go riding around the course. I think we did two laps (dEVas correct me if I’m wrong). Then we get to the starting line and then we go...

We the dEVas stayed together, well we were separated a few times but reunited at sprint corners most of the times and we stuck on each others wheels. On the second lap I got boxed in the right side and almost crashed into the ditch, I think Johanna saw it too... That was scary… It took me a while to get back in the left line and to the front behind Liisa but I did it. That was the trill of the day for me. Then the rain started... but I mean rain, pissing down, I was literally spiting the wheels water from the person in front of me of my mouth making a stupid noise, then at mid-course the snow started; big flakes... My hands and feet were frozen, I recall blowing on my fingers several times...

Jen was in the front behind the testosterone guys and drafting away while Liisa right behind also favoring the draft. I was right behind Liisa’s wheel for a couple laps then dropped behind that guy in the orange jacket. On the 500 mark no one was really sprinting, so I got out of my seat and gave I real hard, but I was not really going any faster... I wonder why? Really, I wonder why? Should I’ve shift gear? Was my position on the bike wrong? Did I have any juice left in my legs? I don’t know... It was really a blur to me that sprint. I will find out though and I will let you know when I do...

My daughter Bianca was filming the event; thanks sweety pie. Here is the video. Enjoy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

One more bit about Doug...

Thanks to everyone who came out or helped out at Doug Preston's memorial service this evening. We'd like to leave you with one more remembrance, a story about Doug at the 2007 2008 Spring Series, as narrated by Cam Finnigan.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Final Preparations for Memorial | for Doug

Hello everyone,

Plans are coming along for Doug's remembrance gathering.
It will be held on Thursday, March 5, starting at 5:00 PM at Tynehead Community Hall. Details on our website If you are unable to come until later, that is fine. We have the hall until 9:00 PM.

However, we still have a number of requests for help on various tasks.

1. It would be nice to have some recorded music that would be suitable for the event, so we will be counting on a few people to supply music on portable devices [iPODs or whatever]. Ideally, it would be nice if one person could step forward and take on this to make certain that there is enough music and make sure that it is theme-appropriate. My music collection is somewhat limited. I do not think that Bach's Brandenburg Concertos would be well suited to the event. I have found some lists of music on the internet that would be a good round choice. I can supply a small portable amplifier and speakers. If anyone has anything more suitable, please let me know.

2. If you have any photographs of Doug, please send electronic copies so that we can have them printed in advance. If you have any stories or memories of Doug that you would like to share, please pass them on. Photos and stories can be submitted by email to:

3. We are asking people to take some snack food that can be shared amongst those in attendance. Veggie and fruit plates, cookies and things like that would be great. We should also have juice and pop. Please let me know if you are able to help us out in that respect.

4. When we are done for the evening, we need to leave the hall spotlessly clean. A clean-up crew of a half-dozen or so would make fast work of this.

5. If you have had experience in writing memorial bulletins, please contact me. Same if you are good at putting some type of A-V presentation together. This may or may not be feasible.

Thanks for reading and hope to see you on Thursday. Don't forget, March starts immediately.

Carelle on behalf of Cam Finnigan